
NV-PIC Stipend, Benefits, and Resources

The annual internship stipend across all consortium sites is $40,000. Interns are employed by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). WICHE is an intergovernmental organization which provides consultation to NV-PIC and serves as the fiscal agent for the internship.  Health benefits, annual vacation, professional, and sick leave are provided for all interns. In addition, interns receive eleven paid Nevada state holidays. Please see the state Holiday calendar for dates. Questions regarding specific benefits packages can be directed to WICHE’s Human Resources department (Email: dcoulter@wiche.testing.brossgroup.com; Telephone: 303-541-0292).

Interns are non-exempt employees and are paid an hourly rate. Interns are expected to complete all training experiences within a 40-hour workweek, which is expected to be Monday through Friday 8am-5pm. Prior approval is required for overtime; in almost all circumstances, approval for overtime will not be granted. Interns will submit timesheets to WICHE on a biweekly basis.

Interns receive 15 days (120 hours) of Paid Time Off (PTO) and 12 paid Nevada state holidays during the internship year. Additionally, interns are eligible for up to 3 days (24 hours) of Professional Development Release Time, which can include conferences, trainings, dissertation time, job interviews, graduation ceremony, or other, as approved by supervisors. Travel time is not included; if travel is required for professional development opportunities, it is considered PTO. Interns should submit requests for PTO or Professional Development Release Time to their primary supervisor at least two weeks in advance of the anticipated leave date for approval using the NV-PIC Leave Request Form. The request then will be communicated to the intern’s Site Director and the NV-PIC Training Director. Interns are expected to refrain from making travel arrangements until supervisor approval has been granted for PTO or Professional Development Release Time. Interns are responsible for communicating anticipated absences to all supervisors for whom work will be missed. Sick leave must be communicated to supervisors in the appropriate manner for each site as soon as the intern is physically able to do so. Sick leave is PTO and a leave form must be completed and submitted as soon as possible. NV-PIC requires documentation from a health care provider if an intern is out sick more than 3 consecutive days. Supervisors and the Training Director are available for any questions related to time off.

NV-PIC interns have access to numerous resources. All interns are provided with office space, a desk, work computer, laptop, office phone, voicemail, printers, software, Dragon dictation software, headsets, recorders, business cards, ID badges, and other basic office supplies. Intervention manuals, assessment materials, other training materials, access to the DSM  5 and ICD-10, and additional materials as needed and approved are provided at each training site, and additional materials that may be needed may be purchased with Training Committee approval. Software for digital scoring of test batteries is available at each site. Funding for travel within the state of Nevada is provided in order for interns to complete required training experiences, and interns have access to state vehicles, if needed, for in-state travel. In addition to weekly didactic seminars and other professional trainings, interns have access to a limited number of online academic journals through the Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH) intranet. Each intern has access to administrative and IT support.